Happy New Year 2019

The New Year is the perfect occasion to appreciate all the good things that 2018 has given to us and all the good things that are yet to come. In the past 365 days we had beautiful moments and exciting new developments.

One of them was the establishment of the Centre for Blue Economy and Innovation (CBEI) at the Caribbean Maritime University. I’m honored and I’m proud to serve as its first Executive Director.

All of this wouldn’t have been quite the same without all of the special people in my life.

The New Year holiday is a time to think about new beginnings and fresh starts. After all the fireworks have exploded into the sky, let’s embrace 2019 with open arms and start our work with passion and enthusiasm!

I will look forward to write more stories about the Blue Economy and its importance for a small island like Jamaica. 



Jamaica,  given the size of its territorial waters which is 24 times the size of its land mass, attaches great importance to efforts to conserve, protect, manage and sustainably use the resources of the oceans and seas.

At the CBEI and also at our mother institution CMU we have huge number of amazing projects coming up in the new year.

You should visit my blog on regular basis and soon you will know what I’m talking about. 😀

I thank you all for your support and I hope we can build up and maintain a wonderful and fruitful realtionship.

Best wishes and a successful 2019.

Documentary Terra

P.S.: If you feel to relax after the New Years Eve party I like to recommend a documentary to you.

Terra’, a 90 minute French film documentary that was premiered in December 2015 for COP 21 in Paris, and which is also available worldwide in English on ‘Netflix’. It is a cinematic masterpiece full of overwhelming pictures about the beauty of creation as well as the grave human dangers facing it.