The Caribbean Supply Chain Event is the second major event in the French Caribbean, succeeding the #SCTL2016, which gathers a range of international researchers and professionals of the Supply Chain.

This event is a rich crossroads for all the actors of the supply chain and of the transborder economic cooperation. As a result producers, distributors, buyers, forwarders, logisticians, engineers, IT developers, designers, researchers, trainers, customs and others will meet in Martinique.

The Caribbean Supply Chain Event is the unique occasion offered to the Caribbean countries and territories to interact with each other and with the rest of the world.

Therefore, the slogan of this meeting which combines exhibitions and conferences is « The Great Caribbean Connected To The World ». 

Martinique, MAY 2.-3. 2019.

CSCEVENT invited me to speak about the Blue Economy within the Greater Caribbean: the essential collaborative approach and the limits by the Exclusives Economic Zones.

The Small Island Developing States have been at the forefront to advocate the concept of the Blue Economy, recognizing that the oceans have a major role to play in humanity’s future. The Blue Economy offers an approach to sustainable development, growing the economy, protecting the environment and advancing social well-being. In the context of the discussion about the importance of the Blue Economy, most of the SIDS mentioned the ratio between their Exclusive Economic Zone and their land mass. The countries of the Greater Caribbean are not an exception.

In the presentation for the Caribbean Supply Chain Event (CSCEVENT2019) in Martinique we will define the concept of the Blue Economy. First of all we will show the importance of the Blue Economy in general, but especially for the SIDS and the Greater Caribbean. Furthermore we will discuss the role of the EEZ in the Greater Caribbean. Because the concept has some limits we have a need for closer cooperation to deal with the problems of the 21 century.

See here my video message for the event.
