COVID-19 and the Life below Water

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Inger Andersen stated:

“The global coronavirus pandemic, which has already caused unimaginable devastation and hardship, has brought our way of life to an almost complete halt. The outbreak will have profound and lasting economic and social consequences in every corner of the globe.”

One of four Sustainable Development Goals will be vital for a truly sustainable recovery, the “Life below Water.”

Life below water (Goal 14)

The ecosystems that sustain and protect life are just as vital below water as they are on land. The decline and degradation of natural marine, coastal and freshwater ecosystems, and their biodiversity, combined with increasing ocean warming, ocean acidification and widespread pollution, presents a crisis of just as serious concern.

Humans rely on these ecosystems for coastal protection, medicines, industry and food. The sustainability of global fish stocks has plummeted in the previous few decades. Marine genetic resources, among others, are used for pharmaceutical purposes including anti-viral effect, and conservation of marine ecosystems assures their conservation. Excessive nutrients runoff is also an issue which can lead to eutrophication, harmful algae blooms as well as potential increase in the number of dead zones, all of which can compromise the production and conservation of vital resources.

As waste often ends up in oceans and other sources of water, UNEP’s immediate guidance on safe chemicals and waste management considering the sudden increase in toxic medical waste, including single-use plastic waste, due to COVID-19, is as important to this goal as to goal 15. UNEP is supporting countries to ensure opportunities of the sustainable blue economy are recognized and included in post-COVID-19 economic recovery. UNEP also remains committed to supporting ambitious outcomes for sustainable blue economies and ecosystem protection at the UN Oceans Conference, now postponed from its original date of June 2020.
