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The Caribbean Supply Chain Event is the second major event in the French Caribbean, succeeding the #SCTL2016, which gathers a range of international researchers and professionals of the Supply Chain. This event is a rich crossroads for all the actors of the supply chain and of the transborder economic cooperation. As a result producers, distributors, … Read more

We can clean the Kingston Harbour

We can clean the Kingston Harbour. Yes – we can. I have to confess: I believe that we can clean the Kingston Harbour Bay (KHB). This confidence in the possibility is tested quite hard after every rain. Last Thursday it was time again – at this time it was bad. For weeks there was no … Read more

2019 hurricane season slightly below normal activity?


EXTENDED RANGE FORECAST OF ATLANTIC SEASONAL HURRICANE ACTIVITY AND LANDFALL STRIKE PROBABILITY FOR 2019 The countdown is on. We are less than two months away from the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1st. As in each year in April, various universities and research organizations start talking numbers. In other words, they begin … Read more

iAspire will partner with CBEI in Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

Leneka at the Launch

Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Project Manager Leneka Rhoden is the reigning Miss Kingston and St. Andrew Festival Queen 2018. She is the founder and Managing Director of e-Biome: a Scientific Research and Development Consultancy geared towards transforming the role of STEM in Jamaica. She is also the founder and Executive Director of iAspire International, a non-profit … Read more

Keynote Presentation at JAMPRO

Blue Economy and JAMPRO Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) invited me to speak at one of their series of Strategic Planning information sessions to share our expert knowledge on the topic of the Blue Economy. These information sessions are open to all staff and form part of the research stage to identify emerging/nascent industries for the … Read more

The successful tes​​t of the JAMBIN prototype

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Progress Bar 0% Prefix Postfix CMU reports positive results from ocean-cleaning trial The Jamaica Gleaner reported on Saturday, March 2, 2019 about our first successful JAMBIN test.  The Caribbean Maritime University (CMU) is reporting positive results from the trials of the prototype of its ocean-cleaning device dubbed ‘Jambin’. An innovation out of the CMU’s recently … Read more

IMO, CBEI and Blue Economy


IMO, CBEI and Blue Economy The Secretary-General of the IMO (International Maritime Organisation), Mr. Kitak Lim, visited Jamaica on February 26 to 28. 2019,. He attended the High-Level Symposium “Harnessing the Blue Economy for the Sustainable Development of the Caribbean.” Tuesday, 26th of February had paid a courtesy call to the Caribbean Maritime University (CMU), … Read more

Open Sea Cage Farming

open sea cage

Today someone sent me a link to this interesting article about Open Sea Cage Farming. I find it very interesting. You know what? A recent study with the title “The ecological and economic potential for offshore mariculture in the Caribbean” describes a huge potential of these Open Sea Cage Farming (mariculture) in the Jamaican waters. … Read more

Not all is BREXIT!

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NOT ALL IS BREXIT! I know, I know, it’s only 44 days to go to the Brexit. And the news in Europe, both on the continent and the island, are full of articles, analyses, and commentaries. But fortunately, there are also other topics for British research institutes.  Because the Brexit, deal or no-deal, hard or … Read more