Your address 500 million years ago

Marble first shot

I found this fantastic interactive website last night. You select a specific event, like the first coral reef or you can jump to a particular time, let’s say 500 million years back, and you will see how mother Earth looked. Type in your address, and maybe you have to realize that your home today was … Read more

Are that the largest economies in 2030?

World and money

The message seems to be clear. Young, growing populations and high scope for catch-up mean emerging economies still offer the best prospects for long-term growth. Today’s emerging markets are tomorrow’s powerhouses, according to a recent forecast from Standard Chartered. The bank sees developing economies like Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil, and Egypt all moving up the ladder – and by … Read more

Did you know that … Aciclovir

Aciclovir Blue

Nucleosides isolated from a Caribbean sponge, Cryptotethya crypta, were the basis for the synthesis of Aciclovir. Yep! Aciclovir is used to treat infections caused by viruses, such as herpes simplex virus (which causes cold sores around your mouth and genital herpes) and varicella zoster (which causes chickenpox and shingles). It works by stopping the growth of the viruses that cause the … Read more

Huge potential for aquaculture in the Caribbean


Mariculture, as a specialized branch of aquaculture, offers a promising avenue for economic development and sustainable local seafood production in the Caribbean. The seafood production could be over 34 million metric tons per year, according to recently published research by researcher at the Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and the Marine Science Institute (MSI) … Read more

Jamaican ​Mangrove Oysters

Jamaican Oyster

    World champions in water filtering Check out this amazing time-lapse video about oysters. An adult oyster is capable of filtering 20 to 50 gallons of water per day. It is estimated that historic populations of oyster in the Chesapeake Bay were capable of filtering the entire volume of the bay in less than … Read more

Renewable Energy is now Germany’s main source of power


    The research from the Fraunhofer organisation of applied science showed that renewable energy overtook coal as Germany’s main source of energy for the first time last year, accounting for just over 40 percent of electricity production. The output of solar, wind, biomass and hydroelectric generation units rose 4.3 percent last year to produce 219 … Read more

Greater Goat Island – a success story –

Goat Island Bay

    Today I attended a meeting with different stakeholders for the Greater Goat Island Management Plan 2019-2024. This plan will guide the management of the island as a wildlife sanctuary for the protection of endangered and endemic species. That sounds a little bit boring – I know. However, the story isn’t boring at all. … Read more