CMU Vice President J.Schmillen addresses the Think Tank at JIS


In a Think Tank meeting with the Jamaican Information Service (JIS) on December 18, 2018, I had the opportunity to speak about the importance of the Blue Economy for Jamaica and about our projects of the newly established Centre for Blue Economy and Innovation. We were also speaking about the first Sustainable Blue Economy Conference … Read more

The Blue Marble Shot

Marble first shot

It was 1972 and I was ten years old when I decided to be an astronaut. This decision was triggered by a photo with the weird number code AS17-148-22727,⁠ commonly known as The Blue Marble Shot. It was the first photograph taken of the whole “round” Earth and the only one ever snapped by a human … Read more

My first contact with the Blue Economy

Lago LLanquihue and Vulcan Osorno

In 2004, during my time as German Ambassador to Chile, I visited the southern part of the country and was bewildered by the natural beauty of the Lago Llanquihue, where it’s crystal clear waters reflected the Vulcan Osorno like a mirror. Hiking in the romantic wilderness of Patagonia, presented a first experience in observing breeding … Read more