Sharks on drugs

Believe or not. Recent research has revealed that sharks off the coast of Brazil have been found with traces of cocaine in their systems. This discovery was made by marine biologists from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, who tested 13 Brazilian sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon lalandii) and found high levels of cocaine and its primary metabolite, benzoylecgonine, … Read more

Has COP26 failed?

The ultimate guide to why the COP26 summit ended in failure and disappointment (despite a few bright spots) AP Robert Hales, Griffith University and Brendan Mackey, Griffith University After two hard-fought weeks of negotiations, the Glasgow climate change summit is, at last, over. All 197 participating countries adopted the so-called Glasgow Climate Pact, despite an 11th … Read more

Ocean Decade: new wave of Actions across the globe

Debris CMU

The Ocean Decade endorsed ninety-four new Decade Actions across all ocean basins, building global momentum for ocean knowledge-based solutions ahead of major upcoming global summits on climate and biodiversity. This latest endorsement announcement features 94 new Decade Actions covering activities across the world’s ocean basins. Central to the newly endorsed Decade Actions are projects led … Read more

Caribbean Maritime University will be part of the International Convention on Wetlands (RAMSAR)

Based on a Memorandum of Understanding between the Kingston Harbour Ecosystem Adaptation Measures Project (KHEAM) and the CMU’s Centre for Blue Economy and Innovation (CBEI), the main campus of the Caribbean Maritime University will be part of the Convention on Wetlands.  History The Convention on Wetlands is the oldest of the modern global intergovernmental environmental … Read more

Is fish part of a sustainable food future?

How fish can still be part of a more sustainable food future A fish-based diet is good for the environment and people’s health. nadianb/Shutterstock Dave Little, University of Stirling and Richard Newton, University of Stirling If you want to reduce your personal impact on the environment, cutting back on eating animal products is one of the … Read more

IPCC climate report 2021

IPCC climate report: Profound changes are underway in Earth’s oceans and ice – a lead author explains what the warnings mean What might seem like small changes, like a degree of warming, can have big consequences. AP Photo/John McConnico Robert Kopp, Rutgers University Humans are unequivocally warming the planet, and that’s triggering rapid changes in the … Read more

National Geographic recognizes new ocean

On International World Oceans Day (8 June 2021), National Geographic announced that it officially recognises the Southern Ocean as Earth’s fifth ocean. The new ocean, the Southern Ocean, is defined by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) that surrounds Antarctica and extends from the continent’s coastline to 60 degrees south latitude, excluding the Drake Passage and … Read more