Webcast: World Ocean Summit: Insight Hour

Yesterday THE ECONOMIST organized an informative webcast: the inaugural World Ocean Summit Insight Hour. The organizer mentioned that more than 1.000 people were attending the webcast. Everything was functioning very well if you think what amount of people were listing, asking questions, and voting. There were exciting presentations. Not really something new, but that’s not what … Read more

Regional workshop – Western Tropical Atlantic – UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Do you hear me? – Can you understand me? These were undoubtedly the most frequently asked questions at the Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop in preparation for the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. I don’t want to criticize this, and on the contrary, it seems to be completely normal in these COVID-19 times, … Read more

Biodiversity helps coral reefs

Biodiversity helps coral reefs thrive – and could be part of strategies to save them A healthy coral reef at Swains island, American Samoa. NOAA/NMFS/PIFSC/CRED, Oceanography Team., CC BY Cody Clements, Georgia Institute of Technology Coral reefs are home to so many species that they often are called “the rainforests of the seas.” Today they … Read more

Your address 500 million years ago

Marble first shot

I found this fantastic interactive website last night. You select a specific event, like the first coral reef or you can jump to a particular time, let’s say 500 million years back, and you will see how mother Earth looked. Type in your address, and maybe you have to realize that your home today was … Read more

Huge potential for aquaculture in the Caribbean


Mariculture, as a specialized branch of aquaculture, offers a promising avenue for economic development and sustainable local seafood production in the Caribbean. The seafood production could be over 34 million metric tons per year, according to recently published research by researcher at the Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and the Marine Science Institute (MSI) … Read more

How to visualize the Plastic Problem in Our Oceans

Hotspot Plastic on the beach

The following infographic is made by customade and shows in an impressive way the problem with plastic in our oceans. Hundreds of million tons of plastic were produced. These plastics often find their way into our waterways. Every year 6.4 million tons are dumped into the ocean. Many marine wildlife are injured or killed from plastic … Read more