Regional workshop – Western Tropical Atlantic – UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Do you hear me? – Can you understand me? These were undoubtedly the most frequently asked questions at the Western Tropical Atlantic Regional Workshop in preparation for the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. I don’t want to criticize this, and on the contrary, it seems to be completely normal in these COVID-19 times, … Read more

We are in podcasts now!

Advantages of a podcast The podcast has advantages for people interested in a specific topic or certain information. Unlike written blog content that needs to be read, or even videos that force the audience to sit and watch.  All a podcast listener has to do is play and listen. It’s perfect multi-tasking, something most of … Read more

The magic power of the oyster

Oysters filter water. They have a remarkable ability to filter nitrogen pollution from water as they eat. Research conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) found water to be clearer and healthier in areas with restored oyster reefs that contained high oyster density. This capacity is being adopted by projects worldwide for the general … Read more

All beginnings are hard.

First step towards more sustainability I’m glad to see that the old garbage cans are finally replaced on the way from the bus stop to the CMU. This is a small but important first step to make our waste avoidance and recycling efforts most sustainable. Facebook Linkedin Twitter Pinterest

Moving toward a lower-carbon future?

Fight or switch? How the low-carbon transition is disrupting fossil fuel politics Commuters idle in rush-hour traffic outside Philadelphia. AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma Cara Daggett, Virginia Tech As the Trump administration works to weaken regulations on fossil fuel production and use, a larger struggle is playing out across multiple industries. Until recently, oil companies and their … Read more

Biodiversity helps coral reefs

Biodiversity helps coral reefs thrive – and could be part of strategies to save them A healthy coral reef at Swains island, American Samoa. NOAA/NMFS/PIFSC/CRED, Oceanography Team., CC BY Cody Clements, Georgia Institute of Technology Coral reefs are home to so many species that they often are called “the rainforests of the seas.” Today they … Read more