Help for endangered whales

Jumping Whale

High-tech fishing gear could help save critically endangered right whales Only about 411 North Atlantic right whales exist, so every animal lost is a blow to the species’ chance of surviving. (c) Nick Hawkins Michael Moore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Hannah Myers, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Many fish, marine mammals and seabirds that inhabit … Read more

No garbage patch in the Southern Indian Ocean

garbage patch

There’s no ‘garbage patch’ in the Southern Indian Ocean, so where does all the rubbish go? Plastic waste on a remote beach in Sri Lanka. Author provided Mirjam van der Mheen, University of Western Australia; Charitha Pattiaratchi, University of Western Australia, and Erik van Sebille, Utrecht University Great areas of our rubbish are known to … Read more


CSC Header

The Caribbean Supply Chain Event is the second major event in the French Caribbean, succeeding the #SCTL2016, which gathers a range of international researchers and professionals of the Supply Chain. This event is a rich crossroads for all the actors of the supply chain and of the transborder economic cooperation. As a result producers, distributors, … Read more

CBEI presentation at JAMPRO

JamPro Logo

CBEI presentation for JAMPRO’s four-year Strategic Business Plan The Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) invited the CBEI to make a presentation on March 12, 2019. This governmental organization promotes business opportunities through the provision of investment and growth opportunities to local stakeholders. They also act as the key policy advisors to the government in matters of … Read more

2019 hurricane season slightly below normal activity?


EXTENDED RANGE FORECAST OF ATLANTIC SEASONAL HURRICANE ACTIVITY AND LANDFALL STRIKE PROBABILITY FOR 2019 The countdown is on. We are less than two months away from the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1st. As in each year in April, various universities and research organizations start talking numbers. In other words, they begin … Read more

iAspire and Blue Economy

iASPIRE International’s Project Blue On March 22, 2019, the newly developed project/initiative iASPIRE International’s Project Blue, facilitated by Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Kingston and St. Andrew’s 2018 Festival Queen, was launched in the FESTO auditorium at the Caribbean Maritime University. The project identifies and seeks to use all avenues geared at minimizing and ultimately eliminating marine … Read more

Microbes in fish for new antibiotic drugs?

Microbes that live in fishes’ slimy mucus coating could lead chemists to new antibiotic drugs Drug discovery can get an assist from what nature’s already devised. Annie Spratt/Unsplash, CC BY Sandra Loesgen, Oregon State University One day in the future, you may take a pill to treat an illness – and owe your recovery to … Read more

iAspire will partner with CBEI in Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

Leneka at the Launch

Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Project Manager Leneka Rhoden is the reigning Miss Kingston and St. Andrew Festival Queen 2018. She is the founder and Managing Director of e-Biome: a Scientific Research and Development Consultancy geared towards transforming the role of STEM in Jamaica. She is also the founder and Executive Director of iAspire International, a non-profit … Read more

Jamaica leads the Caribbean climate revolution

WigtonWind Farm

Jamaica leads in Richard Branson-backed plan for a Caribbean climate revolution Turbines in Manchester Parish, Jamaica, the English-speaking Caribbean’s first wind farm. Debbie Ann Powell Masaō Ashtine, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus and Tom Rogers, Coventry University After hurricanes Irma and Maria tore through the Caribbean in 2017, devastating dozens of islands – … Read more

Keynote Presentation at JAMPRO

Blue Economy and JAMPRO Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) invited me to speak at one of their series of Strategic Planning information sessions to share our expert knowledge on the topic of the Blue Economy. These information sessions are open to all staff and form part of the research stage to identify emerging/nascent industries for the … Read more