2019 hurricane season slightly below normal activity?


EXTENDED RANGE FORECAST OF ATLANTIC SEASONAL HURRICANE ACTIVITY AND LANDFALL STRIKE PROBABILITY FOR 2019 The countdown is on. We are less than two months away from the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season on June 1st. As in each year in April, various universities and research organizations start talking numbers. In other words, they begin … Read more

Can the ban on plastic bags fall short?

Hotspot Plastic on the beach

Plastic bag bans can backfire if consumers just use other plastics instead One use and done? Not always. Peteruetz/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA Rebecca Taylor, University of Sydney Governments are increasingly banning the use of plastic products, such as carryout bags, straws, utensils and microbeads. The goal is to reduce the amount of plastic going into landfills … Read more

There are bigger environmental challenges than plastic pollution

Planetary Boundaries

Climate change: obsession with plastic pollution distracts attention from bigger environmental challenges When temperatures rise and ice melts, more water flows to the seas and ocean water warms and expands in volume. Shutterstock Rick Stafford, Bournemouth University and Peter JS Jones, UCL By now, most of us have heard that the use of plastics is … Read more

Not all is BREXIT!

Brexit countdown 0311

NOT ALL IS BREXIT! I know, I know, it’s only 44 days to go to the Brexit. And the news in Europe, both on the continent and the island, are full of articles, analyses, and commentaries. But fortunately, there are also other topics for British research institutes.  Because the Brexit, deal or no-deal, hard or … Read more