R/V CMU TAGU Tour: Navigation Equipment

The R/V CMU TAGU is a donation by the German civil and hydraulic engineering company TAGU, a part of LUDWIG FREYTAG Group, donated to us in summer 2019. We sailed the CMU TAGU from Montego Bay to the jetty at the CMU main campus in September 2019. The Research vessel (R/V) is equipped with all … Read more

R/V CMU TAGU Tour: Survey equipment

The CMU TAGU has all modern technical equipment necessary for safe operation on the high seas. As a special research vessel, the vessel is equipped with modern appliances for hydrographic surveys (for example, with a state-of-the-art Multi Beam Echo Sound EM 3002 by KONGSBERG). Hydrographical surveys are a domain of CMU TAGU. The installed sensors … Read more

Fantastic news: Benioff Ocean Initiative has awarded The Ocean Cleanup $1 million (USD) to deploy an Interceptor in Kingston Harbour

The Benioff Ocean Initiative has allocated one million USD to the Ocean Cleanup Project for the Kingston Harbour Bay. This is a great idea and fantastic news! Kingston Harbour Bay needs all the attention it can get to restore it to its former glory. It is a Herculean task and requires all the energy in … Read more

COVID – 19 and the CMU – a personal view

Consequences and perspectives for the CMU Almost everywhere you can hear: “After Corona, nothing will ever be the same again.” This sentence still reflects the astonishment at how quickly and radically everyday life has changed. But I firmly believe that all this will be over someday. And then it will remain unforgotten how important such … Read more

A blue start in the New Year

Starting the year meeting

Blue Ocean and Blue Economy We have just finished our first meeting of the new year, a two-day get-together to debate our way forward. We have had a very vibrant discussion among colleagues and have made a lot of progress. I would summarise: Exciting times lie ahead. As one result – let’s say as a … Read more

Happy New Year 2019

Firework Kingston

The New Year is the perfect occasion to appreciate all the good things that 2018 has given to us and all the good things that are yet to come. In the past 365 days we had beautiful moments and exciting new developments. One of them was the establishment of the Centre for Blue Economy and … Read more