COVID – 19 and the CMU – a personal view

Consequences and perspectives for the CMU Almost everywhere you can hear: “After Corona, nothing will ever be the same again.” This sentence still reflects the astonishment at how quickly and radically everyday life has changed. But I firmly believe that all this will be over someday. And then it will remain unforgotten how important such … Read more

Jamaican ​Mangrove Oysters

Jamaican Oyster

    World champions in water filtering Check out this amazing time-lapse video about oysters. An adult oyster is capable of filtering 20 to 50 gallons of water per day. It is estimated that historic populations of oyster in the Chesapeake Bay were capable of filtering the entire volume of the bay in less than … Read more

Greater Goat Island – a success story –

Goat Island Bay

    Today I attended a meeting with different stakeholders for the Greater Goat Island Management Plan 2019-2024. This plan will guide the management of the island as a wildlife sanctuary for the protection of endangered and endemic species. That sounds a little bit boring – I know. However, the story isn’t boring at all. … Read more