How to measure plastic waste?

Debris Blue Boxes

The first step in managing plastic waste is measuring it – here’s how we did it for one Caribbean country Plastic waste that started as packaging clogs tropical landfills. apomares/Getty Images Clyde Eiríkur Hull, Rochester Institute of Technology and Eric Williams, Rochester Institute of Technology Countries around the world throw away millions of tons of … Read more

No garbage patch in the Southern Indian Ocean

garbage patch

There’s no ‘garbage patch’ in the Southern Indian Ocean, so where does all the rubbish go? Plastic waste on a remote beach in Sri Lanka. Author provided Mirjam van der Mheen, University of Western Australia; Charitha Pattiaratchi, University of Western Australia, and Erik van Sebille, Utrecht University Great areas of our rubbish are known to … Read more

We can clean the Kingston Harbour

We can clean the Kingston Harbour. Yes – we can. I have to confess: I believe that we can clean the Kingston Harbour Bay (KHB). This confidence in the possibility is tested quite hard after every rain. Last Thursday it was time again – at this time it was bad. For weeks there was no … Read more

iAspire and Blue Economy

iASPIRE International’s Project Blue On March 22, 2019, the newly developed project/initiative iASPIRE International’s Project Blue, facilitated by Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Kingston and St. Andrew’s 2018 Festival Queen, was launched in the FESTO auditorium at the Caribbean Maritime University. The project identifies and seeks to use all avenues geared at minimizing and ultimately eliminating marine … Read more

iAspire will partner with CBEI in Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

Leneka at the Launch

Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Project Manager Leneka Rhoden is the reigning Miss Kingston and St. Andrew Festival Queen 2018. She is the founder and Managing Director of e-Biome: a Scientific Research and Development Consultancy geared towards transforming the role of STEM in Jamaica. She is also the founder and Executive Director of iAspire International, a non-profit … Read more

Can the ban on plastic bags fall short?

Hotspot Plastic on the beach

Plastic bag bans can backfire if consumers just use other plastics instead One use and done? Not always. Peteruetz/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA Rebecca Taylor, University of Sydney Governments are increasingly banning the use of plastic products, such as carryout bags, straws, utensils and microbeads. The goal is to reduce the amount of plastic going into landfills … Read more

There are bigger environmental challenges than plastic pollution

Planetary Boundaries

Climate change: obsession with plastic pollution distracts attention from bigger environmental challenges When temperatures rise and ice melts, more water flows to the seas and ocean water warms and expands in volume. Shutterstock Rick Stafford, Bournemouth University and Peter JS Jones, UCL By now, most of us have heard that the use of plastics is … Read more