Specialized drone to study dolphins in the wild

With the help of trained dolphins, our team of researchers is building a specialized drone to help us study dolphins in the wild The only way to learn about the sensory abilities of dolphins is with the help of trained dolphins. Dolphin Quest, CC BY-ND Jason Bruck, Oklahoma State University Human actions have taken a … Read more

The magic power of the oyster

Oysters filter water. They have a remarkable ability to filter nitrogen pollution from water as they eat. Research conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) found water to be clearer and healthier in areas with restored oyster reefs that contained high oyster density. This capacity is being adopted by projects worldwide for the general … Read more

US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries?

Jets US Air Force

US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries – shrinking this war machine is a must US Air Force fighters during the 1991 Gulf War. Everett Historical/Shutterstock Benjamin Neimark, Lancaster University; Oliver Belcher, Durham University, and Patrick Bigger, Lancaster University The US military’s carbon bootprint is enormous. Like corporate supply chains, … Read more

The University of California breaks up with the biggest academic publisher

University of California

University of California’s break with the biggest academic publisher could shake up scholarly publishing for good Libraries subscribe digitally to academic journals – and are left with nothing in the stacks when the contract expires. Eric Chan/Flickr, CC BY MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis The University of California recently made international headlines when it … Read more

Did you know that … Aciclovir

Aciclovir Blue

Nucleosides isolated from a Caribbean sponge, Cryptotethya crypta, were the basis for the synthesis of Aciclovir. Yep! Aciclovir is used to treat infections caused by viruses, such as herpes simplex virus (which causes cold sores around your mouth and genital herpes) and varicella zoster (which causes chickenpox and shingles). It works by stopping the growth of the viruses that cause the … Read more

Huge potential for aquaculture in the Caribbean


Mariculture, as a specialized branch of aquaculture, offers a promising avenue for economic development and sustainable local seafood production in the Caribbean. The seafood production could be over 34 million metric tons per year, according to recently published research by researcher at the Barbara’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and the Marine Science Institute (MSI) … Read more

Jamaican ​Mangrove Oysters

Jamaican Oyster

    World champions in water filtering Check out this amazing time-lapse video about oysters. An adult oyster is capable of filtering 20 to 50 gallons of water per day. It is estimated that historic populations of oyster in the Chesapeake Bay were capable of filtering the entire volume of the bay in less than … Read more

CMU Vice President J.Schmillen addresses the Think Tank at JIS


In a Think Tank meeting with the Jamaican Information Service (JIS) on December 18, 2018, I had the opportunity to speak about the importance of the Blue Economy for Jamaica and about our projects of the newly established Centre for Blue Economy and Innovation. We were also speaking about the first Sustainable Blue Economy Conference … Read more