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CMU entrance

Still alive

Contrary to some suppositions and insinuations, life in the CMU continues. Here is the most important reason why I support

We are in podcasts now!

Advantages of a podcast The podcast has advantages for people interested in a specific topic or certain information. Unlike written

Debris Blue Boxes

How to measure plastic waste?

The first step in managing plastic waste is measuring it – here’s how we did it for one Caribbean country

The magic power of the oyster

Oysters filter water. They have a remarkable ability to filter nitrogen pollution from water as they eat. Research conducted by

Arctic Changes – they bet.

The book, A Farewell to Ice, by Peter Wadhams, tells the story of his unravelling of this alarming trend and

CMU recycles

Importance of Recycling

CMU separates the waste in all buildings. We started last year with some hickups. But since 2019, January 1st we

All beginnings are hard.

First step towards more sustainability I’m glad to see that the old garbage cans are finally replaced on the way