iAspire will partner with CBEI in Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

Ms. Leneka Rhoden, Project Manager

Leneka Rhoden is the reigning Miss Kingston and St. Andrew Festival Queen 2018. She is the founder and Managing Director of e-Biome: a Scientific Research and Development Consultancy geared towards transforming the role of STEM in Jamaica. She is also the founder and Executive Director of iAspire International, a non-profit organization. iAspire conceptualized to improve education and access to opportunities for all by pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals four and ten. She also serves as the Vice Chairperson and Ambassador of the Governor-General’s I Believe Initiative, Youth Ambassador of Shashamane Sunrise, Co-Founder and President of La Clique Des Chics and Servant Leader of Pivotal Directions.

Leneka Rhoden

The iAspire International is a charitable organization being led by Leneka Rhoden, JCDC’s Miss Kingston & St. Andrew Festival Queen 2018. Invited guests include Their Excellencies, The Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, and Lady Allen; His Worship the Mayor Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, Mayor of Kingston & St. Andrew.

Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

iAspire’s Project Blue focuses on safeguarding the Kingston Harbour by employing the application of science and innovation to the preservation and effective use of Jamaica’s resources with emphasis on the vitalization of the Blue Economy. This is where economic activity is in balance with the long-term capacity of marine ecosystems. The area was selected because of its importance to the Jamaican culture being crowned as the world’s 7th largest natural harbour. And it is a major source of revenue for both the fisheries and tourism sectors.

The aim of this project is to minimize the dumping of waste in the gullies and waterways of the Corporate Area to safeguard the Kingston Harbour. This will be done through a set of initiatives including:

  1. The provision of extra garbage bins alongside gullies running towards the harbour;
  2. A Bi-monthly cleaning of the harbour and surrounding environs; and
  3. The distribution of biodegradable products (cups and plates) to communities in Kingston.

Project Blue, an initiative to safeguard the Kingston Harbour, was launched on Friday, March 22, 2019 (at the United Nations’ World Water Day) at the Caribbean Maritime University. I had the pleasure and the honor to be the guest speaker. My presentation was about Blue Economy.

iAspire Launch

iAspire Flyer

Safeguarding the Kingston Harbour

The Kingston Harbour is the 7th Largest Natural Harbour in the world. Both the fisheries and tourism sectors are a major source of revenue. These are significantly affected by environmental pollution, and overfishing. Kingston Harbour is a multi-purpose resource with more than half a million people and a variety of industries on its shores. Primary treated domestic sewage, raw industrial waste and run-off from agricultural land discharge into the bay. Successive surveys since 1968 show a progressive deterioration and the urgent need for a reduction of organic pollution if the benthic fauna is not to be destroyed. Kingston harbour is a valuable resource as it is the world’s seventh largest natural harbour and it is a centre for the fishing industry, which employs about 2,000 people. The harbour provides small fish bait and is a breeding ground for deep-sea fish. With Kingston now being a large industrial city.

Pollution of the harbour

Pollution of the harbour has become a serious problem. The improper disposal habits of surrounding communities, the waste from industrial activities, oil spills from ships and even, the use of plastic contributes to the threat the life of the flora and fauna who inhabit the harbour face.

iAspire Concept

iAspire Project Blue will targeting the Margaret and Paradise Street's gullies.