Not all is BREXIT!


I know, I know, it’s only 44 days to go to the Brexit. And the news in Europe, both on the continent and the island, are full of articles, analyses, and commentaries.

But fortunately, there are also other topics for British research institutes.  Because the Brexit, deal or no-deal, hard or soft, is not the most crucial topic in this world. The real problems remain and in no way lose their importance.

No! Quite the opposite. 

The Institute for Public Policy Research, a UK based think tank, has pointed out in a remarkable study that after the Brexit the UK also has to face the tough and unpleasant truths.

The Institute concludes that politicians have failed to grasp the severity of human impacts on the environment, which have reached a critical stage and threaten to destabilise society and the international economy, a new report has warned.

“The consequences of the age of environmental breakdown on societies and economies are more serious than is currently being recognised by mainstream political and policy debates,” the report said.

“These outcomes include economic instability, large-scale involuntary migration, conflict, [and] famine,” it added.

“A new, highly complex and destabilised ‘domain of risk’ is emerging – which includes the risk of the collapse of key social and economic systems.”

Environmental Destabilisation in the UK

Here is the paper

Download the paper – This is a Crisis: Facing up to the Age of Environmental Breakdown – is a meta-study of dozens of academic papers, government documents and NGO reports compiled by IPPR.