Open Sea Cage Farming

Today someone sent me a link to this interesting article about Open Sea Cage Farming. I find it very interesting. You know what? A recent study with the title “The ecological and economic potential for offshore mariculture in the Caribbean” describes a huge potential of these Open Sea Cage Farming (mariculture) in the Jamaican waters.

Jamaica has 975 km2 (square kilometer) suitable and profitable area. Based on a total km2 of the EEZ (which is 256,647 km2) is that a percent 0.38. 

Suitable is a place with a depth range between 25 and 100 meter and not a big distance from shore.


SourceThomas, L. R., Clavelle, T., Klinger, D. H. & Lester, S. E. The ecological and economic potential for offshore mariculture in the Caribbean. Nature Sustainability 2, 62–70 (2019)


“Cobia growth is a function of temperature…The most productive farm sites are located within the EEZ’s of Jamaica and the southeastern Caribbean…”

What do you thing?

Is open sea cage farming something we should try?