Should we have Mariculture in Jamaica?

In a new post I present an argumentation paper to establish a Caribbean Mariculture Research Centre at CMU. And it essentially aims at establishing a mariculture industry in Jamaica.

I know that it is a massive project, which needs a lot of commitment and investment. I understand that this cannot fall from the sky overnight.

But somehow, we have to find a way to start, a first phase that will pave the way in that direction. In the three main aspects of mariculture production (hatchery, off-shore production side, on-shore processing side). I think we could start with an experimental hatchery at CMU.
It would be advantageous for CMU because we would be working in the university’s core business, educating and training young people for an important maritime industry branch. In addition, a high degree of sustainability would be achieved through this activity, as training in this sector would provide a permanent influx of interested young people from Jamaica. The demand in this area for professionals will increase in the next years.

We should consider finding partners in the industry. Suppose we were able to find three different companies interested in promoting such an idea and willing to sign a letter of request (due date is the end of January). In that case, we could even consider attending the call of the CompeteCaribbean initiative, which will support the establishment of a Blue Economy Cluster with up to 400.000 USD.

I think it is also an excellent proposal to step in a new direction for the post-COVID phase.

Should we have Mariculture in Jamaica/

Please find the arguments here