The Elephants of Plastic Pollution

What do elephants have to do with the plastic waste in the oceans?

Nothing. Thats right. Normally.

In order to better imagine the monstrosity of the problem, elephants come into play.

At least that’s what some scientists were thinking about to illustrate the problem. It sounds almost funny if it would not be so sad. Scientists who are dealing with the plastic pollution of the oceans have created an infographics in which Asian elephants are used to show how “big” the problem is. This kind of elephant weighs about four tons. 

The largest polluters of the world’s oceans are the big rivers in Asia. And if you like to see how many elephants have to drift towards the sea every day to symbolize the weight of the waste, you may won’t believe it.


Sad leader is the Yangtze, with 228 elephants.


That’s nine-hundred and twelve tonnes of plastic waste every day.


Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist