We are in podcasts now!

Advantages of a podcast

The podcast has advantages for people interested in a specific topic or certain information.

Unlike written blog content that needs to be read, or even videos that force the audience to sit and watch.  All a podcast listener has to do is play and listen. It’s perfect multi-tasking, something most of us do all the time anyway.


Easy to find time to listen to a podcast

It’s relatively easy to find time to listen to a podcast. The person interested in the Blue Economy can listen while working or relaxing.

We here at the CBEI do not make our work easier by producing podcasts. We use the three essential aspects to get and to manage information: text, video, and now audio in the form of podcasts.

It’s easier to find time to listen to a podcast because it only requires the attention of the audience. We can listen while we are doing something else.

A significant advantage of the podcast compared to other media is that it is especially suitable for mobile devices.

Most people listen to their favorite podcasts, for example, while driving a car, via their smartphone on the radio connected with Bluetooth.

Increasing Importance of Mobile Devices

Mobile devices are becoming more and more important in providing information, so it is only appropriate to make as extensive use of this user behavior as possible.

For podcast listeners, it is easy to consume content, and you can inform yourself and learn while you are on the road, be it in the gym, in the car, at home, or elsewhere.

We want to provide more information about our work and the Blue Economy in the form of a podcast.

The first podcasts are available


integrated with the page What is the Blue Economy?


We will set up a multimedia page where the podcasts will be available in the order of production.


We are grateful for any hints, comments, and constructive.